1.2 Course outline

Course Outline

1.1 Course introduction

1.2 Course outline

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1.3 Workbook

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1.4 I want to..


2.1 What is decision making

You will learn about the three steps of the decision making process

2.2 Resources for lesson 2.1

3.1 Personal statement

You will learn how to write a personal statement and the different types of decisions.

3.2 Needs - Values - Passions


3.3 My personal statement


3.4 Resources for 3.1

4.1 Identifying problem

You will learn about the identifying stage of the decision making process and how to identify the decision problem.

4.2 New home - decision problem I

Decision problem example part 1

4.3 Exercise

4.4 Resources for 4.1

5.1 Exploring alternatives

You will learn about the exploring stage of the decision making process.

5.2 Balance Sheets

You will learn about the Balance sheet decision making tool.

5.3 New home - decision problem II

Decision problem example part 2

5.4 Exercise

5.5 Resources for lesson 5.1

6.1 Executing the decision

You will learn about the executing stage of the decision making process.

6.2 New home - decision problem III

Decision problem example part 3

6.3 Lesson Exercise

6.4 Resources for lesson 6.1

7.1 Short Quiz

A very short to quiz to get the certificate at the end of the course.

7.2 Cheat Sheet

A cheat sheet that you can download and share.

7.2 I will ..


8.1 Final

8.2 Bonus

8.3 Upgrade

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